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Together we can aim high, work hard, have fun!

Welcome, we are so happy that you will be joining our school in September. We look forward to meeting the parents and carers of our new intake children on Thursday 4th July 2024 at 7.00pm in the School Dining Hall, entrance on Ronald Hill Grove.

You are welcome to follow our school Facebook page for news and updates about the school - https://www.facebook.com/westleighinfants


We also have a closed Facebook Group for Reception parents only.

Please follow the link to join -


Welcome to West Leigh Infant School – a school that has served the local community since 1913!  We hope that your child will be very happy and successful in the stimulating, caring environment created by our committed staff.  We invite you, as parents, to work in partnership with us to enable your child to achieve their very best. 

West Leigh has a calm, purposeful atmosphere where children develop confidence; learning together through carefully planned activities.  We aim to make the school a community in which behaviour is based upon mutual respect and consideration for others.  Kindness and thoughtfulness are encouraged and praised. 

We liaise very effectively with local playgroups and also work closely with West Leigh Junior School to ensure smooth transitions for the children and their families. 

As a school community we strive for improvement and work tirelessly towards raising standards.  We look forward to seeing your child flourish at West Leigh.

Welcome Pack

The document below contains all the useful information for your child starting at West Leigh Infant School

Parent Basic Skills Handbook

The documents below conatins ideas of how to support your child during the summer break to help them to be school ready.

Welcome Pack

The document below contains all the useful information for your child starting at West Leigh Infant School

Parent Basic Skills Handbook

The documents below conatins ideas of how to support your child during the summer break to help them to be school ready.

Year R Curriculum Map

The document below outlines the key learning for 2023-2024

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