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Together we can aim high, work hard, have fun!

Curriculum Enrichment - Visits and Visitors


Each year group has at least one trip per year, which involves a coach or train journey. Alongside this, we aim to make the best use of our local area and fully immerse the children into its unique geographical features and rich history. For example, children in our school visit Belfairs Woods, Leigh Beach, Old Leigh and Southend on multiple occasions throughout their time here, for different purposes. 

Some of our trips throughout the year include:​

Leigh Library

Call of the Wild

Hyde Hall

Old Leigh

Tower of London

Local churches

Finchley Road Synagogue


Each year group invite different visitors into school regularly throughout the year. For example, drama companies come in to deliver drama workshops, storytellers share stories from different cultures, sports companies give taster sessions in different sports, animal workshops provide children with the opportunity to hold different creatures, first aid workshops with practical activities for children, speakers in assemblies and lots more! 

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