Computing 23-24
At West Leigh Infant School, we understand the immense value technology plays in supporting the children’s day-to-day lives and the increasing role it plays as they grow older. We aim to provide the children with access to an enriching and creative curriculum that balances all the aspects of computing.
Our intent is that pupils build and excel their knowledge and understanding of computing and are introduced to a range of technology. We provide a high-quality computing education that equips pupils to become digitally literate so that they are able to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and computer technology. Our curriculum allows them to continually practice and improve the skills they learn so that they become creative users of computing technology suitable for the future workplace.
West Leigh Infant School takes Internet safety extremely seriously and our curriculum therefore places a strong emphasis on teaching ‘Online Safety’. We not only want our pupils to be competent, confident and creative users of technology, but also safe and responsible digital citizens.
In Early Years, computing is taught through cross-curricular learning with an emphasis on hands on experiences, through continuous provision. We use resources such as I-Pads, computers, programmable toys and use of Mini Mash and SEESAW. From Year One and Year Two, we use Purple Mash as a cohesive scheme of work addressing the statutory aspects of the National Curriculum. We believe in delivering fun and engaging lessons and pupils are able to use technology imaginatively and creatively, whilst also becoming efficient learners and critical thinkers. Alongside Purple Mash, we also teach the children how to record their work using SEESAW and show them how to log in to Numbots and DB Primary; our school virtual earning platform.
Assessment of the children’s progress within each area of study is achieved through teacher observation, quizzes and reviewing saved work. Subject teams regularly review plans across the three year groups to ensure progression across the school. The subject leads undertake planning scrutiny, participate in learning walks and have discussions with children across the school in order to assess the teaching and learning and inform future planning. They also work collaboratively with the other members of their year group to offer subject specific support where required.
The curriculum design ensures excellent progression of Computing skills and knowledge throughout the school. Children will meet the age-related expectations for Computing and leave West Leigh Infant School with a confident and enthusiastic approach to using technology, understanding the digital world is their future and that online safety is paramount!