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SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) at West Leigh Infant School

SENDCo - Mrs Claire Parish

What are the different Stages of SEND?


The class teacher has an initial concern for an individual. This may be regarding their speech and language or communication development, basic literacy or numeracy skills, emotional, sensory, social or behavioural development. This is monitored by the class teacher and SENDCo, but no further action taken.

SEND Support

If a child is identified at SEND Support, this tends to include the involvement of specialist services. A variety of support can be offered by these services, such as advice to the school about targets and strategies, specialised assessment and some direct work with the child. The specialist services will always contribute to the planning, monitoring and reviewing of the child’s progress.

EHC Plan

For a child who is not making adequate progress, despite a period of support at SEND Support, and in agreement with the parents/carers, the school may request the LA to make a statutory assessment in order to determine whether it is necessary to make an Educational, Health Care Plan (EHC Plan). A child who has an EHC Plan will continue to have arrangements as for SEND support, along with additional support, provided using the funds made available through the EHC Plan.

SEN Documents

All our children at West Leigh Infant School have the right to a high quality education which is appropriate to them, and recognise that they are individuals. Therefore it is our aim to minimise the barriers that pupils will experience, as far as possible.  We aspire to achieve this by adopting three principles that are essential to being an inclusive school. The principles for Inclusion we have adopted are:

  • Setting suitable learning challenges
  • Responding to pupils diverse learning needs
  • Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of children.

Within our school, we have a set procedure for identifying and assessing the special needs of individual children which involves, at various stages, teaching staff, parents, external agencies and of course the children themselves.

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